Happy Holidays from Nordic Surrogacy!


Becoming a parent through surrogacy is an emotional journey. Involuntary childlessness, independent of the reason, is something that we at Nordic Surrogacy have both personal and professional experience of.

Regardless of how you have come to the decision that surrogacy is your path to parenthood, we are happy to have been entrusted to be part of your journey. It is with great commitment and care that we manage the trust that you have placed with us.

2022 has been a year of great joy but also great sadness. We felt the enormous devastation when Russia attacked Ukraine where many intended parents had their processes. It was and is terrifying, how innocent people are exposed to the worst imaginable. Our thoughts have always been with all the people who touched our organization, and especially with those whom we have personal relationships.

During intense weeks, we worked together with partners on site and intended parents to understand which next steps were possible in each process, depending on circumstances. Most of the processes have been able to continue at another destination and since the beginning of the war there is no ongoing process in Ukraine. Safety in the process and for the people who are part of it is the most important thing for us and that is currently not possible in Ukraine.

We are helping more parents than ever

One of our most important responsibilities is to educate and inform how the surrogacy process works. This year, it is with great pride and gratitude that we once again can say that we are helping more parents than ever.

Gruppbild lunch - NordicSurrogacy

Visiting the destinations

During the year we visited the destinations Georgia and Colombia. The purpose of the trips has been to strengthen and improve collaboration with the clinics and other partners at the destinations. This work leads to continued and improved safe processes för intended parents.

Read Anneli’s travel story from Georgia here.

Read Jonas’ travel story from Bogota here.

Public opinion and awareness

Another important area is driving awareness and public opinion about surrogacy as a way of becoming a parent. That is why we regularly hold our own seminars, webinars and attend guest lectures that we get invited to. This year we have for example participated in a research project about egg donation and surrogacy and participated in Pride in Stockholm.

PRIDE2022 Collage - Nordic Surrogacy

The organization keeps on growing

In 2022, we have expanded the team with three new coordinators. Both at our office in Stockholm and a coordinator in Colombia. This is to maintain and improve the service to you, the intended parents as more and more processes go through Nordic Surrogacy. We have also welcomed Emma Dahlén as a lawyer at Nordic Surrogacy. We are proud to be able to help so many intended parents and to be part of your journey.

From our whole team we wish you Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!

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