Q&A – Webinar about surrogacy

Q&A - Webinar about surrogacy - Nordic Surrogacy

Our webinars cover the surrogacy process, our destinations and the legal process. Below are answers to some of the more general questions that came up during our last webinar.

Regarding genetic testing in Colombia: Do you offer prenatal diagnostics in the pregnancy for chromosomal/genetic aberrations (NIPT, amniotic fluid etc). Costs?
In pregnancy NIPT is done by default if you are on a guarantee plan. Other programs include CUB test or if you want to do NIPT test cost is USD 625.

Regarding genetic testing in Colombia: Do you test for the gender of the baby?
The gender of the baby is tested during the genetic screening of the embryos.

Regarding genetic testing in Colombia: Do you do a DNA test after birth to confirm parenthood of both biological parents (i.e. father and the egg donor)?
DNA testing is mandatory after birth for the gestational carrier, the newborn, and the linked father. Support from NS will be given for this step.

Are there any specific considerations for single men?
There are no specific requirements for single men that don’t apply for all intended parents. We provide surrogacy options for single men in the USA and Colombia. Without marital status requirements, single men can pursue surrogacy and legally establish parenthood.

What will the cost be for “twiblings” in Colombia, i.e. guaranteed two children with same egg donor and two different surrogate mothers? How do you time the pregnancy of these surrogates?
The aim is to achieve the pregnancies in parallel with one another, but consideration must be taken for the potential different conditions. Contact us and we’ll be happy to go through this with you in detail.

How long do you have to stay for the first visit (deposit of sperm, medical testing etc) in Colombia?
We recommend that you plan to stay in Colombia for about a week on your first visit.

Me and my husband live in Sweden, but come from Poland. Poland does not regonize ‘rainbow’ parents and we are still not eligible to be considered for naturalization process (in other words, to get Swedish citizenship). Sweden, on the other hand, does not give citizenship to kids of parent’s permanent residency. Is there any way we can guarantee child’s citizenship? Have you had any similar cases?
Every situation is unique and it is difficult to guarantee the outcome of an application for citizenship. If you have permanent residency in Sweden, your child will most likely be able to gain the same status and when you gain citizenship you can apply for your child as well.

Can you Select to get twins?
In the United States, there is a possibility of transferring two embryos with the hope of having twins under certain conditions. In Colombia and Georgia, the option of transferring two embryos is not available, but there is a natural possibility of a pregnancy resulting in identical twins.

As single man I can do it only in US and Colombia?
Yes, as a single man, it is only possible to do the process in the United States and Colombia.

How Long does it take from start to stop?
Every surrogacy process is unique with individual circumstances. Most people who start a process complete the surrogacy process within about 2 years.

Is there a possibility of the pregnancy resulting in twins?
Yes, there is a natural possibility that a pregnancy will result in identical twins.

Does Nordic has coordination in Canada?
NS offers surrogacy plans in Colombia, USA and Georgia. We do not have any local advisors or coordinators, but our team in Stockholm are able to advise and coordinate processes for Canadian citizens.

In the case of Colombia. What is the kind of control through the pregnancy? I guess It is different control in every country?
The health of the gestational carrier during pregnancy is always a top priority. In addition to the initial and thorough medical and psychological examinations, she undergoes frequent medical check-ups for herself and the fetus throughout the pregnancy.

Do you have any support for same sex couples who want twiblings?
NS offers a double guarantee program in Colombia. Meaning, two parallel processes with gestational carriers carrying embryos created with same egg donor and sperm from one or two fathers.

Are there any factors or conditions that could disqualify you from going through a surrogacy program?
Not complying to below can disqualify.

  • The intended parent(s) age must not exceed 50 years as a single parent or a combined age of 110 years as a couple when the contract is signed.
  • In all programs, it is required that the intended parents accept the sampling required by the clinic, which includes tests for blood infections and STIs.
  • All intended parents must provide criminal records and be available for a consultation with a psychologist.
  • Sperm quality below all criteria.

Jose Pablo mentioned having to stay till the child is atleast 1 month old, however Dennis mentioned being able to leave after 2,5 weeks. What is the normal “staying time” after birth with prosess in Colombia?
The normal time range for being able to leave Colombia is from 2 weeks up to 6 weeks. In some cases even longer. The main factors are documentation for the exit process and requests from you embassy.

Is it possible for a single woman to arrange surrogacy in USA?
Yes, in the United States there is the possibility of establishing parenthood in the form of a so-called “Pre birth order”. This allows single women, lesbian couples and couples who need to use a sperm donor to carry out their surrogacy process there. The legal situation in your country of origin may vary and should be clarified before starting the process.

Ingår juridiskt stöd i priset hos er i Sverige till dess att allt juridiskt är slutfört, eller är det en extra kostnad?
Our legal exit service is currently included for intended parents residing in Sweden, Norway and Denmark.

Any restrictions on paternity/maternity leave for heterosexual couples when you get back to your home country? Specifically Denmark
In order to get a correct answer, we advise you to contact the local authorities in Denmark.

Do you want to become a parent?

We offer free consultation. Together, we look at the possibilities based on your specific circumstances to create the family you dream of. We will help you. Contact us today!

Do you want to become a parent?